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DealMakers Quarterly Submissions

DealMakers tracks and records Merger & Acquisition (M&A) as well as General Corporate Finance (GCF) activity across South Africa (and the rest of Africa) on a daily basis.


At the end of each quarter, we receive submissions from advisory firms listing the transactions they have been involved in for that period. This list is then compared against our master databases, and any variances resolved. 


This process provides a comprehensive and reliable set of ranking/league tables at the end of each quarter as well as for the all important Annual Rankings.


There is NO FEE to submit your firms deals. There are however a few criteria for each of the various ranking tables.



this covers M&A and GCF involving companies listed on one of the South African stock exchanges



this covers M&A activity of unlisted SA companies (DealMakers does not include GCF activity for unlisted companies)



this covers M&A, GCF as well as certain debt transactions in countries across the rest of Africa - for more information on DealMakers AFRICA please visit our website here


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Submission Deadlines for 2024

* DealMakers records deals and transaction on ANNOUNCEMENT date, and not completion date

Quarter 1 (January - March)                3 April 2024

Quarter 2 (April - June)                         3 July 2024

Quarter 3 (July - September)             2 October 2024

Annual (October - December)           7 January 2025


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