DealMakers M&A Pulse
M&A Pulse is the weekly DealMakers newsletter that goes out once a week.
Each issue includes items such as:
Weekly round up of listed and unlisted deals in SA
Weekly summary of M&A activity across the rest of Africa
Weekly rundown of general corporate finance activity in SA
Thorts article
Latest M&A Rankings (this runs for the last time in mid to late November, and resumes in February each year after the final year results are announced at the Gala Awards)
DealMakers Directory listings
Links to advisory firm insight articles
Links to general news articles relating to the M&A and Corporate Finance Industry
Content covers SA | Catalyst (PE and VC News) and Africa
Take a look at past issues or sign up to get M&A Pulse in your mailbox every Friday
DealMakers also has a dedicated space on the GhostMail website were the weekly round up articles, Thorts articles and rankings are included.

Take a look at our weekly content below: