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Published quarterly, each issue of DealMakers includes analysis of the Merger & Acquisition (M&A) and General Corporate Finance (GCF) activity for the period; the rankings; the deal and transactions tables; industry commentary as well as DealMakers AFRICA and Catalyst.

Company Submissions

Quarter 1     1st week of April

Quarter 2    1st week of July

Quarter 3    1st week of October

Annual         1st week of January 


Publishing Schedule 

Quarter 1     May

Quarter 2    August

Quarter 3    November

Annual         February 



M&A and GCF Analysis provides a summary of the deals and transactions

South African M&A Analysis 

Listed local and foreign 

Listed local and foreign - excl failed deals

BEE activity listed and unlisted

PE activity listed and unlisted 

Biggest deals by value for the quarter

Biggest BEE deals by value for the quarter


South African listed GCF Analysis 

Share issues

Share repurchases



Open market transactions

Off market transactions

SA exchange listings


Quarter 1 looks at the January - March quarter for a five year period


Quarter 2 provides an overview of current year three months April - June and the year-to-date January to June for the preceding three years


Quarter 3 provides an overview of the current year three months July - September and the year-to-date January to September for the preceding three years


The annual issue provides a full year summary over a five year period


Each quarter includes the following ranking tables :

Listed M&A

  • Year-to-date rankings are provided

Listed GCF

  • Year-to-date rankings are provided

Unlisted deals (Legal Advisers only)

  • Year-to-date rankings are provided


The following advisory teams are recorded and ranked:

Financial | Investment advisers


Legal Advisers

Transactional Support Services

The deal and transaction tables

DealMakers tracks and records the M&A and GCF activity of both listed and unlisted SA companies on a daily basis.

As much detail as possible is provided for each deal and transaction.

For a deal to qualify for the listed M&A or GCF tables, it has to involve at least one listed company or be a subsidiary (over 51% interest) of a listed company.

Data included for M&A deals

Nature of the deal


Asset | target

Sector classification of the parties and asset | target

Advisory firms

Value of the deal

Announcement date


Data included for GCF transactions

Nature of the transaction

Listed company

Sector classification 

details of the transaction such as:

  • number of shares

  • price per share

Advisory firms

Value of the transaction

Announcement date



Industry commentary: DealMakers Thorts

Articles from the industry are very welcome.

There is no charge to submit editorial to DealMakers, however the following requirements do apply :​


  • no press releases

  • article has to be editorial and not advertorial

  • the article has to be written specifically for DealMakers and cannot be released in any other medium until after it has been published by DealMakers

  • Content has to be relevant to the industry and can include, but is not limited to, topics such as current trends, legislative changes, deal or transaction analysis for a specific deal. 

DealMakers AFRICA

From Q1 2020, DealMakers AFRICA will be published as a stand alone publication.


Prior to this, Q1-3 was published as a run-of-book in DealMakers. The Annual issue was printed as a standalone magazine.


For information on DealMakers AFRICA, please visit our website at




Catalyst, the Private Equity magazine is published as a run-of-book in DealMakers


For more information on Catalyst, click here


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