DealMakers Directory
Since the launch of DealMakers in 2000, we had frequently been asked to produce a comprehensive directory of firms involved in corporate finance and in April 2011, DealMakers launched its very own version of The Little Red Book - The DealMakers DIRECTORY.
From 2025, the DealMakers DIRECTORY will be a digital only platform, hosted here on our website. Firms will not only get the opportunity to be listed,but additionally each week a number of firms will be featured in our weekly newsletter, M&A Pulse, which goes out every Friday.
All corporate finance advisory firms are given the opportunity to supply and list their basic contact information. Upgrade options are available to those firms who would like to provide additional information.

DealMakers DIRECTORY 2025
Advisor Categories:
(Click on any of the below advisory categories to find out more about them and view each firm listed in their respective categories)