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2020 DealMakers Annual Awards

Date: Tuesday 23 February 2021


Headline Sponsor

Banner 21 jan 2021.jpg

Gold Medals


Deal of the Year

Exxaro Logo.jpg

BEE Deal of the Year

A2X Logo's RGB FC.jpg

Top Sponsors by Deal Value and Deal Flow

Mail & Guardian.png

Top Transactional Support Services by Deal Value and Deal Flow


Individual DealMaker of the Year

Sponsor Video | Ansarada
Sponsor Video | Sibanye-Stillwater
Sponsor Video | Exxaro
Sponsor Video | Exxaro
Sponsor Video | Ince
Sponsor Video | A2X
Sponsor Video | Mail & Guardian

Ansarada DealMakers Annual Awards go virtual ....
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DealMakers, like many other companies around the globe, was unable to host the usual annual gala awards as a physical event. On Tuesday 23 February 2021, the first ever virtual Ansarada DealMakers Annual Awards aired live from studio's in Johannesburg. All the usual rankings and awards were announced plus a new gold medal award, the Business Rescue Transaction of the Year.


All the award recipients, were kind enough to come through to our offices a couple of days later and collect their certificates, trophies and medals and get a photo taken to include below. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the industry as a whole for accommodating us with this. We would have loved to have had more than one person per team included in the photo's, but social distancing standards and COVID-19 restrictions, did not make this possible.


To all the teams involved, and to the industry at large, congratulations on all the deals that were concluded and we salute you for all your efforts in what was without a doubt a very challenging year. 

Watch the video's from the event:

The 2020 DealMakers Annual Results:

Brunswick Deal of the Year 2020


Gold Medal Award

Altron demerger of Bytes Technology

Deal of the Year - Altron.jpg

Local Advisers

KPMG logo pantone 287-01.png
DLA Piper.png
EY Logo.png

Mteto Nyati, Group Chief Executive | Altron

In April 2020, Altron announced it was looking to demerge Bytes UK and to separately list it on the LSE with a secondary listing on the JSE. The decision was made to unlock value for shareholders as the UK business was identified as being materially undervalued when compared with its UK peer group. A minimum listing value of c.R9.4 billion was put in place by management who was willing to call off the listing if it did not achieve the price target. The company listed in December with a market capitalisation of R16,3 billion.

Catalyst Private Equity Deal of the Year 2020

catalyst Logo.jpg

Gold Medal Award

Capitalworks' acquisition of Peregrine

PE Deal of Year - Capitalworks.jpg

Local Advisers

One Capital_11.05.2017-01.png
Java Capital.JPG
CDH logo.jpg
Webber Wentzel 2.jpg
KPMG logo pantone 287-01.png

Garth Willis, Director | Capitalworks Equity Partners

The R4,2 billion offer to qualifying shareholders presented an option to elect to receive a cash consideration of R21 per share and/or a leveraged re-investment option through the subscription of shares in one of Capitalworks’ buyout vehicles (InvestCo share consideration offer priced at R17.40 per offer share). The attractive structure of the offer resulted in approval from 99.9% of shareholders with the reinvestment election, which will see benefits from the support of Capitalworks as a key anchor shareholder, oversubscribed. 

Exxaro Logo.jpg

Exxaro BEE Deal of the Year 2020


Gold Medal Award

Novartis' disposal to Kiara Health

BEE Deal of the Year - Kiara Health.jpg

Local Advisers

ENSafrica Feb 2021.jpg

Dr Skhumbuzo Ngozwana, CEO and President | Kiara Health

Novartis, the Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company, took the strategic decision globally to move away from holding manufacturing in-house. Kiara Health, having secured the necessary funding, acquired the manufacturing plant and several marketed products from Novartis’ subsidiary generic drugs manufacturer Sandoz South Africa, creating a majority black-owned pharmaceutical manufacturer.  The parties entered into a manufacturing and supply agreement for a minimum four year period. 

***New Award***

Business Rescue Transaction of the Year 2020

Gold Medal Award


Phumelela Gaming and Leisure

BR of Year - Phumelela.jpg

Local Advisers

RS Advisors.jpg

John Evans, Business Rescue Practitioner | RS Advisors

The company entered business rescue proceedings in May 2020 after deciding against voluntary liquidation. Phumelela was experiencing financial difficulties prior to the pandemic but it was the devastating financial impact of COVID-19 which led to its decision to enter business rescue proceedings. Phumelela received R100 million in post-commencement finance from local company Mary Oppenheimer and Daughters (MOD), to ensure the continuation of operations while the company underwent restructuring and the sale of assets. Bids to acquire all or some of its assets were received from among others UK bookmaker Betfred and MOD. In September creditors voted in favour of MOD (4Racing) to take control of the racing assets including the local and offshore totes and broadcasting rights. 

Ince Individual DealMaker of the Year 2020

Anthony Knox

Ind DM of the Year.jpg
ince logo.jpg

Gold Medal Award


Anthony Knox (Merrill Lynch) has over 15 years of investment banking experience. Over the past three years Anthony has played an instrumental role in executing some of SA’s highest profile deal, the most notable being Sasol’s disposal of a 50% interest in its Lake Charles Chemicals Project, the disposal of a 34.4% stake in Alexander Forbes by Marsh & McLennan, Old Mutual’s Managed Separation and as independent expert in the unbundling of FirstRand.

Mergers & Acquisitions 2020

DealMakers Red.JPG

Investment Advisers 

1st by Deal Value - Merrill Lynch

MA IA 1st Deal Value - Merrill Lynch.jpg

Gold Medal Award


1st by Deal Flow - Investec Bank

MA IA 1st Deal Flow - Investec Bank.jpg

2nd by Deal Value - Java Capital

MA IA 2nd Deal Value - Java Capital.jpg

3rd by Deal Value - Investec Bank

MA IA 3rd Deal value - Investec Bank.jpg

4th by Deal Value - Standard Bank

MA IA 4th Deal Value - Std Bank.jpg

2nd by Deal Flow - Java Capital

MA IA 2nd Deal Flow - Java Capital.jpg

3rd by Deal Flow - PSG Capital

MA IA 3rd Deal Flow - PSG Capital.jpg

4th by Deal Flow (tie) - Rand Merchant Bank

MA IA 4th Deal Flow tie - RMB.jpg

4th by Deal Flow (tie) - Rothschild & Co

Awards Logo.jpg
MA IA 4th Deal Flow Tie - Rothschild.jpg


Sponsored by

A2X Logo's RGB FC.jpg

1st by Deal Value - Merrill Lynch

MA SP 1st Deal value - Merrill Lynch.jpg

1st by Deal Flow - Java Capital

MA Sp 1st Deal Flow - Java Capital.jpg

2nd by Deal Value - Questco

MA Sp 2nd Deal value - Questco.jpg

2nd by Deal Flow - Investec Bank

MA Sp 2nd Deal Flow - Investec Bank.jpg

3rd by Deal Value - Java Capital

MA Sp 3rd Deal Value - Java Capital.jpg

3rd by Deal Flow - PSG Capital

MA Sp 3rd Deal Flow - PSG Capital.jpg

4th by Deal Value - Investec Bank

MA Sp 4th Deal Value - Investec bank.jpg

4th by Deal Flow - Rand Merchant Bank

MA Sp 4th Deal Flow - RMB.jpg

Legal Advisers 

1st by Deal Value - ENSafrica

MA LA 1st Deal Value - ENSafrica.jpg

2nd by Deal Value - Webber Wentzel

MA LA 2nd Deal value - Webber

3rd by Deal Value - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

MA LA 3rd Deal value - CDH.jpg

4th by Deal Value - Bowmans

MA LA 4th Deal Value - Bowmans.jpg

1st by Deal Flow - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

MA LA 1st Deal Flow - CDH.jpg

2nd by Deal Flow - ENSafrica

MA LA 2nd Deal Flow - ENSafrica.jpg

3rd by Deal Flow - Webber Wentzel

MA LA 3rd Deal Flow - Webber Wentzel.jpg

4th by Deal Flow - Bowmans

MA LA 4th Deal Flow - Bowmans.jpg

Transactional Support Services


Sponsored by

1st by Deal Value - Deloitte

MA TSS 1st Deal Value - Deloitte.jpg

1st by Deal Flow - BDO

MA TSS 1st Deal Flow - BDO.jpg

2nd by Deal Value - PwC

MA TSS 2nd Deal value - PwC.jpg

2nd by Deal Flow - Deloitte

MA TSS 2nd Deal Flow - Deloitte.jpg

3rd by Deal Value - KPMG

MA TSS 3rd Deal value - KPMG.jpg

4th by Deal Value - BDO

MA TSS 4th Deal value - BDO.jpg

3rd by Deal Flow - PwC

MA TSS 3rd Deal Flow - PwC.jpg

4th by Deal Flow - EY

MA TSS 4th Deal Flow - EY.jpg

Black Economic Empowerment 2020

Investment Advisers

1st by Deal Value - Nedbank CIB

BEE IA 1st Deal Value - Nedbank CIB.jpg

1st by Deal Flow - Nedbank CIB

BEE IA 1st Deal Flow - Nedbank CIB.jpg

Legal Advisers

1st by Deal Value - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

BEE LA 1st Deal Value - CDH.jpg

1st by Deal Flow - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

BEE LA 1st Deal Flow - CDH.jpg

General Corporate Finance 

Investment Advisers

1st by Transaction Value - 

Rand Merchant Bank

GCF IA 1st Trans Value - RMB.jpg

1st by Transaction Flow  (tie) - 

Investec Bank

GCF IA 1st Trans Flow tie - Investec.jpg

2nd by Transaction Value - Investec Bank

GCF IA 2nd Trans Value - Investec.jpg

3rd by Transaction Value - JPMorgan

GCF IA 3rd Trans Value - JPMorgan.jpg

1st by Transaction Flow  (tie) - 

PSG Capital

GCF IA 1st Trans Flow tie - PSG Capital.

3rd by Transaction Flow - Nedbank CIB

GCF IA 3rd Trans Flow - Nedbank CIB.jpg


1st by Transaction Value - JPMorgan

GCF SP 1st Trans Value - JPMorgan.jpg

2nd by Transaction Value - 

Rand Merchant Bank

GCF SP 2nd Trans Value - RMB.jpg

3rd by Transaction Value - Investec Bank

GCF SP 3rd Trans Value - Investec.jpg

1st by Transaction Flow (tie) - Investec Bank

GCF SP 1st tie Trans Flow - Investec.jpg

1st by Transaction Flow (tie) - PSG Capital

GCF Sp 1st tie Trans Flow - PSG Capital.

1st by Transaction Flow (tie) - Java Capital

GCF Sp 1st Tie Trans Flow - Java Capital

Legal Advisers

1st by Transaction Value - ENSafrica

GCF LA 1st Trans Value - ENSafrica.jpg

2nd by Transaction Value - 

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

GCF LA 2nd Trans Value - CDH.jpg

3rd by Transaction Value - Bowmans

GCF LA 3rd Trans Value - Bowmans.jpg

1st by Transaction Flow - ENSafrica

GCF LA 1st Trans Flow - ENSafrica.jpg

2nd by Transaction Flow - 

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

GCF LA 2nd Trans Flow - CDH.jpg

3rd by Transaction Flow - Bowmans

GCF LA 3rd Trans Flow - Bowmans.jpg

Transactional Support Services

1st by Transaction Value - PwC

GCF TSS 1st Trans Value - PwC.jpg

2nd by Transaction Value - KPMG

GCF TSS 2nd Trans value - KPMG.jpg

3rd by Transaction Value - EY

GCF TSS 3rd Trans Value - EY.jpg

1st by Transaction Flow - BDO

GCF TSS 1st Trans Flow - BDO.jpg

2nd by Transaction Flow - PwC

GCF TSS 2nd Trans Flow - PwC.jpg

3rd by Transaction Flow (tie) - KPMG

GCF TSS 3rd tie Trans Flow - KPMG.jpg

3rd by Transaction Flow (tie) - EY

Awards Logo.jpg
GCF TSS 3rd tie Trans Flow - EY.jpg


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CDH Logo Oct 2024.png
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