2016 DealMakers Annual Gala Awards
Date: Wednesday 15 February 2017
Venue: Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg
MC: Nik Rabinowitz
Entertainment: The Girls

Headline Sponsor

Top Legal Advisers by Deal Value and Deal Flow
Top Reporting Accountants by Deal Value and Deal Flow
Individual DealMaker of the Year

Gold Medals



Deal of the Year
Brunswick Deal of the Year 2016
Acquisition by Sibanye Gold of Stillwater Mining

Advisers to the deal:
Financial Advisers:
Citigroup Global Markets, HSBC Bank plc, Quinisele Resources, BofA Merrill Lynch
Legal Advisers:
ENSafrica,Linklaters, Jones Day, Holland & Hart
Reporting Accountants:
Arie Maree (Ansarada), Bryony Watson (Sibanye Gold), Charl Keyter (Sibanye Gold) and Marina Bidoli (Brunswick)
Catalyst Private Equity Deal of the Year 2016

Disposal by Actis of Tekkie Town to Steinhoff

Advisers to the deal:
PSG Capital
Legal Advisers:
Webber Wentzel, ENSafrica

Arie Maree (Ansarada),Charl Keyter (Sibanye Gold), Michael Avery (Catalyst) and David Cook (Actis)
Ince Individual DealMaker of the Year 2016
Piet Ferreira (Steinhoff International)

Arie Maree (Ansarada), Charl Keyter (Sibanye Gold), Michael Walters (Ince) and Flint Macgregor (Citigroup) who collected the award on behalf of Piet Ferreira (Steinhoff)
DealMakers Hall of Fame

This was the first award of this nature made by DealMakers and the induction of SABMiller into the DealMakers' Hall of Fame could not have been more apt. SABMiller is one of the truly positive stories of South Africa and is certainly one of the most successful of the country's foreign ventures
Shaun Cabrita and Keith Doig received certificates in recognition of the part played in building a global brewer from Rob Wessels (head of the DealMakers Independent Adjudication Panel) and Marylou Greig
Mergers & Acquisitions 2016
Investment Advisers by Deal Value
1st by Deal Value - Java Capital

2nd by Deal Value - JPMorgan

3rd by Deal Value - Rothschild

4th by Deal Value - Deutsche Bank

Investment Advisers by Deal Flow
1st by Deal Flow - PSG Capital

2nd by Deal Flow (tie) - Java Capital and Investec Bank

Investec Bank
4th by Deal Flow - Rand Merchant Bank

Java Capital
Sponsors by Deal Value
1st by Deal Value - UBS

2nd by Deal Value - Deutsche Securities

3rd by Deal Value - Java Capital

4th by Deal Value - JPMorgan

Sponsors by Deal Flow
1st by Deal Flow - Java Capital

2nd by Deal Flow - PSG Capital

3rd by Deal Flow - Investec Bank

4th by Deal Flow - Rand Merchant Bank

Legal Advisers by Deal Value
1st by Deal Value - Webber Wentzel

2nd by Deal Value - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

3rd by Deal Value - ENSafrica

4th by Deal Value - Bowmans

Legal Advisers by Deal Flow
1st by Deal Flow - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

CPT Office
2nd by Deal Flow - Webber Wentzel

CPT Office
3rd by Deal Flow - ENSafrica

CPT Office
4th by Deal Flow - Bowmans

Reporting Accountants by Deal Value
1st by Deal Value - KPMG

2nd by Deal Value - PwC

3rd by Deal Value - Deloitte

4th by Deal Value - Grant Thornton

Reporting Accountants by Deal Flow
1st by Deal Flow - Deloitte

2nd by Deal Flow - PwC

3rd by Deal Flow - Grant Thornton

4th by Deal Flow - KPMG

General Corporate Finance 2016
Investment Advisers by Transaction Value
1st by Transaction Value - Standard Bank

2nd by Transaction Value - Deutsche Bank

3rd by Transaction Value - Java Capital

Investment Advisers by Transaction Flow
1st by Transaction Flow - Java Capital

2nd by Transaction Flow - PSG Capital

3rd by Transaction Flow - Investec Bank

Sponsors by Transaction Value
1st by Transaction Value - Standard Bank

2nd by Transaction Value - Deutsche Securities

3rd by Transaction Value - Investec Bank

Sponsors by Transaction Flow
1st by Transaction Flow - Java Capital

2nd by Transaction Flow - PSG Capital

3rd by Transaction Flow - Investec Bank

Legal Advisers by Transaction Value
1st by Transaction Value - Webber Wentzel

2nd by Transaction Value - ENSafrica

3rd by Transaction Value - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

1st by Transaction Flow - Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr
Legal Advisers by Transaction Flow

CPT Office
2nd by Transaction Flow - Webber Wentzel

CPT Office
3rd by Transaction Flow (tie) - ENSafrica and Bowmans

Reporting Accountants by Transaction Flow
1st by Transaction Value - KPMG

2nd by Transaction Value - Deloitte

3rd by Transaction Value - EY

Reporting Accountants by Transaction Flow
1st by Transaction Flow - PwC

2nd by Transaction Flow - Deloitte

3rd by Transaction Flow - KPMG

Africa M&A 2016 (excl South Africa)
Investment Advisers
1st by Deal Value - Standard Bank
1st by Deal Flow - PSG Group

Java Capital

Legal Advisers
1st by Deal Value - Bowmans
1st by Deal Flow - Bowmans


2016 DealMakers Annual Gala Awards